Online Shop For Winter Wear

Ankle Boots Kids Red-048F

Rp 199,500

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Kids fashionable ankle boots with fur full inside. Available in 4 variants of colors, Red, Grey, Cream and Black. Winter boots, full fur inside. very comfort and stylish.This boots are flat-heeled winter boots that the Kids can sport with style. Thigh-high boots are back this season. Boots that have shafts stand up straight are here to warm your feet. Thigh-high boots look great when you team them up with skirts. This should be on your hit (wish) list!

SKU: 009-048F Categories: , Tags: , ,

Ankle Boots Kids Red-048F

Ankle Boots Kids Red-048F adalah Sepatu Musim dingin untuk Anak anak yang terbuat dari bahan suede yang berkwalitas. Terdapat lapisan bulu agar kaki tetap hangat dan nyaman saat beraktifitas selama musim dingin. terbuat dari Material Velvet atau beludru mix fur atau bulu wol di dalamnya. sol karet nya sangat lentur dan ringan membuat  nyaman dan sangat lembut di kaki. Tersedia dalam 4 varian warna pilihan, Merah, Abu-abu, Cream dan Hitam.

Ankle Boots Kids Shoes Winter Red is for kids made of suede qualified. There is a layer of fur to the feet stay warm and comfortable during activity during the winter. Material made from Velvet or velvet mix fur or fleece wool in it. Her rubber soles are very flexible and lightweight making it comfortable and very soft on the feet. Available in 4 variants of colors, Red, Grey, Cream and Black.

Ankle Boots Kids Red Ankle Boots Kids Red Ankle Boots Kids Red Ankle Boots Kids Red

Catatan :

  1. Sebaiknya dipilih ukuran dibawah panjang kaki sekitar 1-1.5cm lebih besar, jadi misalnya panjang kaki 15cm pilih ukuran sepatu yg 16cm atau 16.5cm agar sepatu tidak kekecilan
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  5. Silahkan Hubungi kami jika ada yang kurang jelas / Kuranga lengkap mengenai Produk kami.

Note :

  1. Due to different ways measurement, there may be 1-1.5 cm variance. Please aware before purchase.
  2. Colours on your computer or Device mobile may differ slightly from actual product colors depending on your monitor
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Weight 1 kg


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